TERA or The Exiled Realm of Arborea is a third person Korean MMORPG game which is also a free-to-play title. TERA is just a typical Korean MMORPG game, with quest, crafting and PVP modes. Combat of the game happens in real-time, with element of dodging the enemy attacks. There are 13 different classes in TERA since the October 2017 patch. The game has its own currency called Chronoscrolls which lets players to buy various things in the game with real money, but this currency is only available for those who purchased the game either physically or digitally. The plot of TERA is about two tita...
Arborean Hero
Unlocking all trophies of TERA
Arun Boss
Kill named world bosses on the Arun continent
Shara Boss
Kill named world bosses in Southern Shara
The Queen Is Dead
Clear Manaya's Core(solo)
Pain in the Temple
Clear Balder's Temple dungeon
View all achievements
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