Lord of the rings franchise brought a new title to the collection, an open world action-adventure game, that follows Talion, Gondor captain, that survived the sacrifice that was meant to bring the Elf Lord Celebrimbor as a wraith. Losing his wife and his son, Talion is merged with Celebrimor, escaping death. Players will have to gain EXP in order to upgrade abilities through completing various missions and defeating Uruk warlords. Some missions might require special conditions for the greater reward. Shadow of Mordor implemented the Nemesis System. It tracks the progress of every special Uruk...
Raw and wriggling
Drop 50 chunks of meat and cover 75 Uruks with flies.
Break the shackles
Free 52 Caragors from their cages, Free 150 Slaves from their shackles.
Thinning the herd
Kill 50 Caragors, 100 Ghûls, and 5 Graugs.
Lights out
Land 300 head shots with Talion's bow, Azkâr.
Watch the skies
Kill 50 Uruks with Strike From Above.
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