Tom Clancy's Splinter Cell is a stealth-action game developed by Ubisoft Montreal. It is the first installment of the Splinter Cell franchise. Plot In 2003, the United States government formed a new covert agency to gather intelligence. It is a top-secret organization named Third Echelon. The agency has access to cutting-edge surveillance and military technologies. Third Echelon's agents are free to violate any law as long as it is required to complete the mission successfully. In 2004, contact is lost with a CIA agent. Homeland security sends a second agent to check on the CIA's a...
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Passive Aggression
Complete the game without having more than 3 fatal casualties per level.
Field Agent
Pick lock on 25 doors.
Echelon Elite
Unlock all trophies.
Privacy Matters
Disable 25 unguarded cameras.
Cyber Warfare
Collect data stick from 47 computer terminals.
View all achievements
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