FINAL FANTASY XIII is an action RPG with fast-paced combat, set in a science fictional world of the future. It's ruled by the Sanctum, a theocratic government, and a mechanical creature fal'Cie that has the power to make people its servants. You play as Lightning, a former soldier, who needs to save her sister Serah, who was marked by fal'Cie. She joins the resistance; however, they get marked by the creature too and have to fulfill its task to avoid death. The key feature of the game is its complicated combat and development system. Three characters can take part in a battle, whi...
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Treasure Hunter
Held every weapon and accessory.
Adamant Will
Felled a heavyweight of the lowerworld wilds.
Master's Seal
Fully developed all characters.
Medic's Seal
Mastered the Medic role.
Saboteur's Seal
Mastered the Saboteur role.
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