Street Fighter V is a fighting game, the fifth main installment in Capcom’s Street Fighter series. Story The game takes place between the events of Street Fighter IV and Street Fighter III. The game features two story-oriented modes: Character Story and A Shadow Falls. In Character Story you can choose any character to go through a series of fights. It starts with a prologue and finishes with ending unique for each character. At launch only, Characters Story was available while A Shadow Falls, a full-fledged story mode that describes a battle between World Fighters and criminal syndicate Sha...
The Never-Ending Path
"Sweet! You got all the trophies! You're really somethin'. Isn't that right, Ryu?" "You have done well to reach the end of this one journey. The path to becoming a true fighter still lies ahead, but let us take time to share the joy of your accomplishment."
You managed to get 1,000,000 FM. That's pretty good! The real value, however, is in the path you walked to earn that much.
Back From Hell
Feel like taking the plunge into Survival Mode on extreme? Come back alive, and I'll grant you an audience with none other than me, the great Lord Bison!
Let's fight someone strong!
Finally, Golden League! There are so many potential rivals! Now the fun really begins!
Critical Beauty
300 Critical Art finishes... It would seem a crimson rose that blooms within an ugly heart can still be beautiful...
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