Metro Exodus is the third installment in the Metro series. It is based on the series of post-apocalyptic novels by Russian writer Dmitry Glukhovsky. The game is the sequel to Metro: Last Light and is set two years after its ending. Plot Exodus takes place in the year 2036 in post-apocalyptic Russia. According to the Metro universe backstory, in 2013 the planet was devastated by a total nuclear war. The atomic bombing left many parts of the Earth's surface uninhabitable due to high radiation rates, dangerous mutated monsters, and anomalies abound. The last remnants of humanity survive by hi...
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Iron Mode
Complete the game in Iron Mode.
Toy seller
Find 3 toys in New Game+ mode: teddy bear, sun and fish.
It's just a scratch
Complete THE TWO COLONELS Chapter without using any Medkits on Normal or higher difficulty.
Great Owl
Find all the Night Hunters' secret stashes in the SAM'S STORY chapter.
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