The game is set in the Star Wars universe during the Old Republic era. The player assumes the role of a Republic commando who leads his group of four Clone troopers, the Delta Squad, through various military missions. You only directly control the commander of the squad, Delta-38 aka Boss, the other three characters are AI-controlled NPCs that you can give orders to. They are known only by their codenames and have different specializations: Sev is a sniper, Fixer is a technician, and Scorch is explosives expert. The player is not fully identified with the main character, and if Boss is shot do...
One of the Squad
Earn all trophies
We got a nest here
Destroy all eggs before they hatch
Marshal Commander
Beat the game on Hard
"Can you die later, sir? It just isn't a good time now."
Go down 10 times in one mission
Turret-ial Assault
Eliminate 10 enemies with a gunship turret
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