A fusion of card-based RPGs and Adventure games, “Black Book” is a haunting tale of a young sorceress, who gave her life to serve the dark forces. Dive into the cold, yet alluring world of Russian folktales - and uncover the secrets that hide in the darkness. A young girl named Vasilisa, destined to become a witch, decides to throw her fate away and marry her beloved - but that dream is shattered when her betrothed dies under mysterious circumstances. Aching for her lost love, Vasilisa seeks out Black Book - a demonic artifact, said to be powerful enough to grant any wish to the one who uncove...
Everyone 10+
Madness awaits those who read the Book till the end...
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Word Master
Collect 4 copies of each page
Great Sorceress
Compose a spell out of 13 words
Find all the clues in Nemzya
Black Sorceress
Unlock all the black pages
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