A game that began life as a tech demo, but became a meme instead. The question "But can it run Crysis?" is the true measurement of PC power. Designed by the German studio Crytek Crysis 3 continues the story begun in the second part. The year is 2047, New York, where evil corporation CELL built Nanodome on top of the city and turned the metropolis into a real jungle. In addition to mundane enemies, the alien race of Ceph threatens humanity who pursues its goals. The player gains control of Prophet - a soldier in nano suit, whose primary goal is to stop the leader of the alien race. Tu...
Earn all available trophies for Crysis®3
Flawless Victory
Get the most kills and win by reaching the score limit in a game of Frenzy (Public Match only)
Hold the flag for 4 minutes in a game of Team Possession (Public Match only)
Slippery Customer
Slide for 1km on Creek (Public Match only)
King of the Swingers, Jungle VIP
Get 30 kills with the flag in Team Possession (Public Match only)
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