Mass Effect was the very start of the trilogy about Commander Shepard in his journey to save the universe from Reapers - an old civilisation that wants to kill every possible rational being in order to prevail any wars. You play as Shepard. With flexible backstory and different classes you travel to Eden Prime with Captain Anderson and Nihlus Kryik, you and your team must discover the mystery behind the attack on the human colony. In the process, it is revealed that another Spectre, Saron, has become rogue and escapes the planet to awoke Reapers and start a full-scale war with the galaxy. For...
N7 Elite
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Medal of Valor
Complete 1 Mass Effect playthrough on the Insanity difficulty setting. Do not change the setting.
AI Hacking Specialist
Use AI Hacking 75 times
Neural Shock Specialist
Use Neural Shock 75 times
You completed Ahern's survival mission
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