Dungeon Defenders is a multiplayer Tower Defence/Action RPG hybrid game developed by Trendy Entertainment. Once upon a time, a battle with the forces of evil came to Etheria. Titans known as the Old Ones were defeated with their power being locked away inside Eternia Crystals. Bored apprentices decide to play with the Crystals and unleash the evil forces once again. The game currently has 12 different classes to choose from. Each class has a unique playstyle. For example, the Adept is a good tower character while the Countess is a tank. The players have to fight off the hordes of enemies. In o...
Everyone 10+
Nightmare Exterminator
You ventured deep into the infested ruins and drove out the monstrous infestation of wasps... on Nightmare!
Nightmare A Very Misty Christmas
You returned to Mistymire for a very special celebration... on Nightmare!
Nightmare Slayer of Omenak
You defended the ancient Omenak Cathedral from the goblin hordes and their Flying Mech... on Nightmare!
Nightmare Tomb of Etheria
You dared to raid the Tomb of Etheria, and lived to tell the tale... on Nightmare!
Nightmare Return to Crystalline Dimension
You did battle once more in the mysterious lands where you once rescued the Legendary Huntress, Monk, and Apprentice... on Nightmare!
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