Monster Hunter: World is the fifth game in the Japanese franchise Monster Hunter, which is about hunting giant beasts. It is set in a medieval fantasy setting, on a continent known as the New World that is being colonized by the humans from the Old World. The plot revolves around a dragon migration called Elder Crossing. Your protagonist is a hunter, whose name and appearance can be customized. You traveled from the Old World to study and hunt the dragons and other local monsters. The hunter, accompanied by an assistant, starts at the city of Astera, from where they can freely wander the ope...
Conqueror of the Hinterlands
Unlock all trophies for Monster Hunter World: Iceborne.
Outstanding Observer
Complete many requests for the Lynian Researcher.
True Large Crown Collector
Obtain a gold crown for almost every monster in your hunting log.
Monster Master
Maximize the research level for almost all large monsters.
Conqueror of the New World
Unlock all trophies for Monster Hunter: World.
View all achievements
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