Fallout: New Vegas is the second instalment after the reboot of the Fallout series and a fourth instalment in the franchise itself. Being a spin-off and developed by a different studio, Obsidian Entertainment, Fallout: New Vegas follows the Courier as he's ambushed by a gang lead by Benny, stealing a Platinum Chip and heavily wounded, practically left for dead. As he wakes up, he minds himself in the company of Doc Mitchell who saved our protagonist and patches him up. This section of the game is given for customising your characters, picking traits and the look of the main hero before emb...
Platinum Trophy
Collect all other 50 Trophies for this Trophy.
Pros Only
Completed any three Gun Runners' Arsenal (GRA) three star (***) Challenges.
Mod Machine
Installed 20 weapon mods.
Combat Veteran
Completed any three Gun Runners' Arsenal (GRA) two star (**) Challenges.
Up to the Challenge
Completed any three Gun Runners' Arsenal (GRA) one star (*) Challenges.
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