Halo Infinite is the twelfth installment in the Halo franchise, and the sixth in the main series of science fiction first-person shooters. It is the sequel to Halo 5: Guardians and the third chapter in the Reclaimer Saga sub-series that was started by Halo 4. It is also the first game powered by the completely new Slipspace engine developed by Microsoft. Setting The Halo franchise is set in the 26th century, when the human civilization, led by United Nations Space Command, wages total war against the theocratic interstellar alliance called the Covenant. The goal of the war is the control of ri...
Cow Catcher
In co-op, splattered 50 enemies while riding in a vehicle with another player.
Wolves at the Doors
In co-op, lowered all three gates within 15 seconds of each other at Riven Gate.
Gruesome Twosome
In co-op, killed 50 enemies while riding a Mongoose with another player.
Controlled Demolition
In co-op, destroyed four Fuel Silos within five seconds at either Ransom Keep or the Forge of Teash.
Air Raid
In co-op, killed 100 enemies while all players are riding air vehicles.
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