Initially released in 2005 for Microsoft Xbox and later ported to other platforms, the game is part of the Oddworld series. It is significantly different from other installments: here the player takes control over the bounty hunter named Stranger. He catches criminals and gets rewards for them. The final goal is to earn enough money for some mysterious medical operation. The player travels with Stranger to four cities: Clakkerz; Gizzard Gulch, Buzzarton, and New Yolk City. One of the features of the game is the use of "live" ammo: insects and small mammals. All of them have different...
No Meta Score
Free the Meat
Destroy the 10 hidden barrels.
Crystal Mess
Collect 25 orange crystals.
Sekto Suicide
Finish the game on Hard
Mo Moolah
Have 20,000 Moolah when you take the barge to Doc’s Mongo Retreat.
Farmer Harmer
Kill Farmer Beeks
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