Call of Duty: Black Ops is a first-person shooter, a seventh installment in the series altogether and a sequel to Call of Duty: World at War. The game takes place during the Cold War and shows different historical periods of it. The main character is a CIA agent, set out on different classified missions and tasked with eliminating enemies if needed. The story in the game is complicated, featuring characters from the previous games, and historical figures like JFK and Fidel Castro. Despite its emphasis on the scenario and real-world plausibility, Black Ops doesn’t lack in gameplay terms, as the...
Awarded when all other trophies have been unlocked
Big Bang Theory
In Moon, gain sweet, sweet, revenge.
Ground Control
In Moon, prevent each excavator from breaching the base in one game.
Shooting on Location
In Call of the Dead, kill 10 zombies with one Scavenger shot from over 100 feet away.
Perks in Spaaaaace!
In Moon, purchase every perk in one game.
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